Know more about the upcoming role playing games for PC in 2012. When these games release, they will be removed from this section. If the developer hasn’t revealed a release date, check back at Over Cloud 9 to see when the game comes up. You can also notify us of upcoming RPGs if you know of any here.
Click on any of them to see their details,release date,etc-
Upcoming games-
Dreamer: Dark Souls
Telepath RPG: Servants of God
Rainblood Prequel: Castle of Mirage
Eternal Grace
Arvale 4
Cora Flint and The Symbol Stones
Morning’s Wrath 2
Christmas RPG
Aveline: Epilogue of a Pied Piper
Eternal Eden 2
Release Date | Autumn-Winter 2011 |
Developer | Dreamplay Games |
Screenshots | Check the screenshots covered exclusively by Over Cloud 9 here. |
Story | The Game has been exclusively covered by Over Cloud 9 until it’s release here. |
Rainblood Prequel: Castle of Mirage
Release Date | 2011 |
Developer | Enthrean Guardian |
Screenshots | ![]() ![]() |
Story | The game has a playable demo available. Enthrea, a prosperous planet with seven Pillars to keep the balance of the living things. 100 years ago, some of the people in the planet living with high-technology led by Sarx, and some others live with spiritual power and entangled to the nature led by Enolc, commenced a great war known as Mahakala; the war to decide the manipulator of the pillars. Mahakala caused serious damage to these Pillars. And the damage made those pillars to require a huge amount of energy to stay functional. They started to absorb anything from the outside that made meteors assault Enthrea and annihilated almost half of its population.The people those wanted to recover Enthrea established an organization called ZNF (Zebadian Nature Fortifier). ZNF succeeded to build a high-technological building to give energy supply for the the pillars, in order to prevent meteors to come into Enthrea. This building is called Harmonizer. The several years of calm made people could build up their environment once more. But now, the meteors start to fall again and causes terror to mankind.
Release Date | TBA |
Developer | Leeble Forest |
Screenshots and Video | ![]() ![]() |
Story | The Game sports a playable demo.You are Achaius, an enthusiastic and kind human boy. At one time, you lived peacefully with your mother, father, older sister, and twin brother Caleigh in a world where people were classified primarily by their inborn professions. After a catastrophic event takes your parents’ lives, you become separated from your twin due to various circumstances. “The Blue Star” focuses on the life of Achaius several years after his separation from Caleigh.Time has brought you to a village filled with small cat-like creatures with wings and long tails known as Leebles. These creatures have essentially adopted you into their tribe, and you consider them your family. Your two best friends are a Leeble named Aero, and the only other human in the village, Dominic. The three of you work hard to protect the village, and help with everything from gathering food to watching over the young Leebles. Recently, soldiers from the “Ciro Order,” a large faction from the world’s central continent of Ciro have set up camp near the forest. Their presence has been increasingly stressful for the village due to safety concerns and strained resources. After a Leeble child has been critically wounded by a Ciro Soldier, the village chief realizes they will inevitably lose their lives if they don’t relocate. After confessing about his former life as a Ciro soldier, Dominic volunteers to travel back to Ciro’s lands to ask the military council not to hurt the Leeble Village. Achaius and Aero also agree to go.Together, Achaius, Aero, and Dominic begin their journey to the continent of Ciro with the purpose of saving the village. All the while, Achaius’ desire to find his twin and understand the meaning behind their separation has been growing stronger. Throughout their travels the group will join up with characters whose lives have also been affected by the Ciro Order, discover conflicts that are affecting their world, and attempt to untangle secrets about their pasts. |
Arvale: Treasures of Memories, Episode 4
Release Date | TBA |
Developer | Jaybot 7 |
Screenshots | ![]() ![]() |
Story | Sequel to the popular Arvale series.
Cora Flint and The Symbol Stones
Release Date | Work in progress |
Developer | Ethereal Darkness Interactive |
Video | |
Story | Not revealed yet |
Release Date | TBA |
Developer | Blossomsoft |
Screenshots | ![]() ![]() |
Story | Not revealed |
Release Date | TBA |
Developer | Aldorlea Games |
Screenshots | Not available |
Story | Not available |
Aveline: Epilogue of a Pied Piper
Release Date | TBA |
Developer | Blossomsoft |
Screenshots | ![]() ![]() |
Story | Not revealed |
Hey Ella’s Hope!
You forgot it
Thanks thanks for reminding of it.I was looking for upcoming games and I missed ‘Ella’s hope’ from right under my nose
Will update it soon!BTW the comments section is giving some trouble,you can leave upcoming game information in the forum also (‘Recommend new games‘ section).
Dreamscape and Ella’s Hope screenshots have been posted on the Aldorlea Games forum you should update your list
Hey thanks for the quick update!I’ve added them.
What an irony,I was looking for more screenies for these games and I get to know this now … (sighs)
The Lost Orb was released yesterday.
I think it’s the last chapter for Aveyond3
Yeah just saw it yesterday.I’ll add it soon in the new games section.Upcoming games updated.
I am missing “Age of Decandence” from Irontower Studios
Great!Will update it.
I’m really suprised that you don’t mentioned “Sinners - Truth Be Told”! Aren’t you regulary at warfare studio forum?^^
Ah I missed that as it wasn’t one of the main topics.Thanks for mentioning it.
WOW, so many awesome RPG’s to look forward to this year. You really do have the inside scoop. Thanks for summarising this information beautifully. -> page 8
Updated list:
Ella’s Hope - April 2010
Cora Flint - June/July 2010
Laxius Force 3 - The Last Stand: August 2010
Millennium 3 - Cry Wolf: October 2010
The Witch and The Warrior - Novemember 2010
Thanks Meggy,I’ll update them soon.I forgot to check back their site as I was too engrossed with some disturbing issues and my own game project.
Legend is to the end of the year, not for April who passed already, the name of Millennium 3 is Millennium 3 Cry Wolf and Laxius Force 3 is Laxius Force 3: Last Stand ^^
Thanks a lot D-Squall.Will update them.
Dark Souls 3 - Rendemption is a sequel of Dark Souls I. Del is working on him, the release date isn’t clear yet. But you can add I think ^^
Thanks,I’ll check it out.Will *demand* some screenies also from Delmaschio

Edit: Didn’t find any unfo on Dark Souls 3,Del said he has no screenshot to share for the time being
Hey again OC9 ^_^. Indinera added a screen of Laxius Force 3, tought yu might want to add it. And it’s THE last stand, not last stand.
Sorry for my mistake -_-
sorry for posting again, forgot to add the link of the screen.
Here it is:
Arvale 3 will be released in August 6 ^.^
Laxius Force 3, according to Indinera, if nothing happens until there, it will be released in 27th of august.
I know. It’s been a while that I updated this page.I won’t be able to do changes now…may be after Arevan is released
Oh, you don’t mind if I leave this last thing here. I know you’re busy with all your site changes and with Arevan.
Aldorlea has revealed some info about their new game that is suposed to come in september. The Witch and the Warrior.
When you have time, update the list ^^
The Witch and the Warrior will be released tomorrow (12th december.)
Millennium 4: Beyond Sunset will be released around March/April
lol and Legend will not be released in April XD