by SeverineSnape » Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:48 pm
My rating: ****
I, too, liked this game better than the other Aldorlea games I have tried so far. In fact, it's the first one I managed to play to a finish. Most of the quests could be finished by following the 3 basic rules of playing RPGs (1: explore everything, 2: talk to everyone, 3: fight, fight, fight!). There wasn't too much guesswork involved (which has been my problem with previous Aldorlea games), but most quests could be solved by logic and paying attention to your surroundings.
The graphics and maps in this game were absolutely stunning. Particularly, I loved the grassy fields strewn with purple or white digitalis flowers. Very unique, really beautiful fantasy worlds. The Aldorlea games tend to have maps that sprawl forever and ever, but in Millennium, as you keep having to go back to places you've already been, you get ample opportunity to learn your way around and to get to know the different areas rather than racing through everything once and then never seeing them again. I know others have complained about the maps still being too big or too dark, but I didn't have those problems.
Another vast improvement that really sold this game for me was the adjustable encounter rate. I'm not a fan of random encounters, but they didn't get too much in Millennium. Whenever I wanted to quickly run back to a previous area, I set the encounter rate to very low so I wouldn't get too held up, and before I'd go into a new area and would have to fight bigger, badder monsters, I would set it to very high so I could level up and get some more supplies before going in.
In short - great game from Aldorlea. A well-rounded, well developed game. I am actually very much looking forward to the next installments!
PS: I know Amanda from Amaranth got a lot of stick for "daring" to cut Aveyond 3 into chapters and selling them individually. I never saw anything of the sort for Millennium? I hope people will leave Amaranth alone now Aldorlea is doing the same thing!