I have four gripes with this game so far (I havent completed all the 'Trials' yet, so if they're fixed later on I apologize!)
1, Kili walks SO FREAKING SLOWLY. it's ridiculous and i'm finding at least 75% of my time is spent simply walking from point A to point B.
2, WAY WAY WAY more save spots are needed, and they also should be more recognizable. the vast majority of save spots i've used so far were found purely by chance (ie, The Terra Quest - a wall plaque and a lightpost? seriously?), and many are located in quite inconvenient places.... a note to the makers: it is VERY annoying to
3, the text (especially speaking!) should at least have the option to appear a lot faster/smoothly.
4, more item shops. PLEASE. one item shop at the far end of the Commoner's Sect is NOT enough for the entire underworld.
Although these may seem minor issues, they are incredibly throw-the-computer-out-the-window frustrating when combined - spending half an hour walking around at snails pace looking for one temple amongst two sets of seven identical buildings spread across the entire map, then slogging your way through the temple's maze only to run out of potions etc and have to spending another half-hour backtracking and looking for an item shop, THEN having to trek all the friggin way back through to said temple and maze is an incredible waste of time, especially when the boss you spend all that time trying to reach proceeds to kill you in 5 seconds because it has sleep AND poison abilities >_>
and then to add insult to injury, you have to do the whole thing again because WHO PUTS THE ONLY A SAVE SPOT IN A MAZE ON A FREAKING LIGHTPOST???
the story does seem promising though... if i can be patient enough to actually get through it!