I'm pretty biased since this game stars a thief and has my favourite vampire, Te'ijal, in the main party.
But as overcloud had said, the first part of the game bored me easily because it didn't give me time to "explore" around because we had to focus on the main quest. I had no problems with the character sprites, face sets, music or any of the other graphics since they were wonderful.
It was mostly the characters that somewhat disappointed me, mainly, Edward. He was too boring for a prince. Okay, it was only Edward that disappointed me because he was on the boring side. He wasn't very prince-like. I expected him to have had a backbone or something.
When the game ended, it was such a cliff-hanger, I couldn't wait for the next episode. Luckily, it came quick!
Shortly after, the voice pack was released. Although I didn't purchase the voice pack, I did get the demo. The voice acting wasn't really good and it was a bit on the dry side, it was another downside to the game (aside from the slow battles and slow pace of the sprite since there were no speed crystals in this game).
But I still rate this game a five because it was great despite Edward's lack of... character or the speed of game or walking pace. And the voice pack is optional.