by synthesis » Mon May 16, 2011 1:52 am
I enjoyed this game, but for some reason, I just couldn't quite get as engaged and immersed as I have in other rpgs. In fact, I ended up setting it aside for about a month before I went back and finished the game.
I think that one of the problems I had was that the story itself could have been fleshed out more. For one, the bad guys aren't even the bad guys until the end. You know something "odd" is going on, but not who's behind it. I think, in most games, the evil you're battling is a little more fleshed out. Also, the relationships between characters just weren't very well developed. In fact, I was probably near the end before I realized who the warrior from the title was supposed to be. I think I would have liked to have seen more relationship development between the party members. As it stands, they just sort of seem thrown together. On top of that, you had Evan, from the beginning, who just basically disappears until the end of the game. For such a supposed strong friendship, he really only gets a few lines at the end.
Another downfall was the magic. Really, those who wielded magic were virtually useless. Not only did they have far fewer hit points, but their spells did nothing. I have to say, if I could have taken Ember out of the party, I would have.
Money was another issue, but this time way too much with not enough to buy. I ended the game with over $35k and just had nothing else I needed to buy. I would have liked to have seen more weapons and armor, especially since, and this was another thing I puzzled over, all the characters maxed out their levels at 22. So, basically, for the last 20% of the game or so, my characters were gaining experience and money for no reason. Then, there was one of the near end battle scenes, and they came across a pouch of gold or the trunks would hold various potions. Oh joy. I kept hoping for more weapons and armor, but instead go money and potions I never used.
Finally, there was my familiar. He packed a powerful punch, but with no armor ever available and with low hit points, he could pretty much survive one round, and then the rest of the time you had to keep reviving him to get him to level.
On the plus side, though, there were several neat things that the game did do. I really loved the different modes of transportation, especially the superbroom. I also did like the idea of the familiar, I just feel the "character" could have been implemented a bit better. The game does have a good replayability level because there are several quests that if you miss them, you just don't get to complete them. (However, I don't really know how this does impact the game). Their are friendship points that you can earn along the way as well that apparently can impact the ending. I'm not quite sure what determines these (I'm guessing it's the different responses you can give to certain questions and comments npc make). The monsters are all visible, so you can avoid them if you want.
Overall, I'd probably give this game a 3/5.