View reviews on various RPG games submitted by users who have played it.You can also submit your own review on any RPG game listed at Over Cloud 9.
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Over_Cloud9 says-"You may not find my reviews on all the games listed here because most of the times I'm doing the walkthroughs,etc and do not get the chance to play all of them.But other players have contributed their valuable opinion,which would give you an idea about the games.You can also submit your own reviews if you've played any of these games to give us a better idea about it.I plan to introduce a game rating system apart from the reviews,but it would take some time.Till then,Happy gaming!"
Welcome to the reviews of Dawn's Light A Christmas Tale!This is a free game from the makers of Dawn's Light.We would love to know your views on this game.
P.S:If you came to read the review from Over Cloud 9's game information page,then you can click here to go back.Or sign up for free to share your reviews on this game.Enjoy!
I loved this little game! I've been very impressed with the John Wizard games so far! Even though this is a short, free game, the puzzles were still challenging and the dialogue was as zany and silly as it was in Dawn's Light. It had me giggling all the way through! This is a perfect game for RPG fans who love puzzles and don't like fighting!
The evil is John Naught. You have to play it though. Because I won't tell it. It's really a short game though. (merged posts by moderator,double posting not encouraged)