This is just my opion, my note for the creator is that next time you make a game, please don't make the fights as hard as they are against the bad fairies when they are in the fairy castle. I don't know if I am missing a great spell that will work against them, but right now I only have Lore which works pretty good against them, but you have to hit them with it twice and sometimes that seems impossible. I mean right now I have been fighting a group of 6 faires for about 5 mintues so far, I had to take a break from the fight before I just gave up, and I haven't even got to hit them with Lore once or kill a single one. And I have already tried this area once before yesterday but I gave up after what felt like forever.

I mean I like it when the RPGs I play give me a challenge, but this is annoying. I mean I keep using up all my Rare Herbs since they are the only things that cancel out the silence and the confusion status, so then I have to wait for them to go away on their own but when they finally do, before I get a chance to cast a spell, if my characters aren't dead, the stupid faires cast the spells again and I am back where I started and I want to scream.

I mean I don't want to stop anyone from playing the game because besides this part, it is a great game.

And I also want anyone else who reads this to remember this is just my opion, I think I mostly just needed to vent, sorry if I sounded really mean.
Okay I finally finally beat all the bad fairies, I think, I still have to go back through the castle so there might be more, but still if you could make fights like this a little easier it would be nice, at least for me. Thanks again for the fun game.