by :D :D :D :D :D » Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:52 pm
AMAZING GAME!!! One of the best stories and lots of charcater interactions and traits which gave them their own seprate personalitys which is really what makes or breaks a game. Fun gameplay and hidden extras and goodies that you can look for. And this isnt kidding around those things take SERIOUS effort to find. A new kind of skill system I thought I wouldnt like but I did. A bestiarty which helps a lot and is really cool. It lets you know youre enemys weakness and there drops so you know waht to fight if you want a certain item. In my opinion this game has all the stuff to make it a really fun and intrseting rpg. Even the battles take skill to plan out youre moves its not just attack attack attack. Well in the begging it is but later it gets intresting. The bosses also had their own startegy skills and resetenices which you had to work with to beat. Also a diverse load of monsters which diffrent wekaness. Good mapping and areas. Lots of cool equptment and items. Really good music! But one thing I didnt like was the array of skills. Like the skills were really good, but I didnt think there was enoguh of them for some characters. I think with a little work more could be added and this could be fixed easily. You also had to look for things it wasnt just do this do that you had to figure things out and find them on youre own which I liked. There are complete areas you could miss! Ireally like that you had to explore thorughly if you really wanted to get everything. I also liked how each character had their own "class" of skills ie bow, darkness etc. I just think that it was a wonderful game and I will defintly replay it.