Updated:20th Feb'10:After completing the game,I felt like I lived for a century!This is the longest game I've played with an in depth story presented intuitively.I guess the length of the main quest led Indinera to exclude side quests from the game which is,well, a refreshing change.So far all of his games have been different from each other and I like the way he tries to make his games different and doesn't follow the usual same kind pattern that most developers follow.
Coming back to the game,the very start of the game turns on a mood for adventure.You get the feel that something grave is about to happen.The game features a story mode for those who love story-telling and less fighting.Added features like easy mouse control,path finding,object indication (small blue arrows),enemy weakness tracking,egressing to dungeon beginning,telekinesis,etc had been very encouraging to players who hate toiling.However the USP of the game is the skill learning at every town.That is something quite unique and makes you continue in the game to find more.Though I personally don't like random encounters,still that annoying part is being taken care of by the instant attack on enemy appearance skill (eye of the tiger) and the ability to choose the encounter rates separately.and the best part is that it doesn't require to level up,you automatically reach the necessary level to face the bosses while exploring the dungeons.
Ah the dungeons...those who hate exploring may get lost easily as the dungeons are huge and interlinked.Thanks to the available maps though and the path finding skill that saves your face at the end of the day.Additional extras like choosing your main character's name,150 Hidden and magical rooms filled with goodies,runes and shrines,shortcut crystal to travel major towns,flying balloon for easier exploration all over the map,choosing the weapons for your character were a welcome addition.The story is compelling and will make you stick to it throughout the stretch unless you are tired fighting on your way.Overall,the game is a nice engagement in your leisure time.
P.S:If you came to read the review from Over Cloud 9's game information page,then you can click here to go back.Or sign up for free to share your reviews on this game.Enjoy!