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Developer: Laxius games
It’s a free game. System requirements: Minimum:Microsoft® Windows® 2000 / XP / VistaPC At least 128MB of system RAM,3 0MB available hard disk space. |
Game content:
The story: This game is the story of Laura, a young mercenary, who is sent to her first major mission and discovers that things are not really what they look like. Features: Screenshots: Game reviews: Read what the players have to say about this game. Game help:Stuck in the game?Our forum members will be happy to help you.Sign up for free and post your question here under the game topic. Report problem: In the rare case, if you face any game related errors or technical glitches,have problem downloading the game or making a payment, etc then you can report it here.Or contact [email protected] Free walkthrough:Download the walkthrough to get help while playing the game.It’s a 945 KB PDF file,written by Hz8,the secrets were compiled by Shadowblade and the maps were created by birt1550.View the file by clicking on the button below or download it directly from here.
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i need serious help with the water temple.
i am stuck like chuck trying to get past the 3 switches segment.
please help me oh gurus of game knowledge?
i don’t get to play much but i am hooked
a map would be great
There isn’t any map available for this part.The walkthrough has the 3 switches part explained in detail.You can refer it if you are stuck anywhere in the game.
It’s long to describe,so download the free walkthrough by right clicking the walkthrough button and select ’save target as’ (if you are using Internet Explorer or Chrome) or ’save linked content as’ (if you are using Mozilla firefox or Opera).
I hope it helps
If you require further help,you can always ask our forum members in the forum
Hi! I’m from Slovenia (Europe) and I don’t have access to games that I must pay so I play those free. For this one it says: 404 Not Found. Was it removed?
And BTW- over_cloud9- you are the kind of walkthroughts really. English is not my native language but with your help I’ve finished all games.
Best wishes to you all!
Ups- I mean “KING” not “kind” sorry.
Thanks for bringing it into my notice.The developer had changed the website thats why the download link was not working.So I’ve re-uploaded the goodie,the game and the goodie installation guide in a zipped file for download.Now you’ll be able to download the game.Enjoy!
Like I said- you’re the best!
Tx a lot.
I’ll try this.
How do you release the viper in Benedict?
You can post your question in our forums. Somebody who have played it might be able to help you.