Siriusly almost there!
Aaaaaaaaand we are almost there! No siriusly! We thought that our game will be complete by November end, but the smaller tweaks and fixing is eating up a lot of time. I have been so busy that I could not even send newsletters this month. Hopefully by this week we shall be able to complete it and then start the beta testing. Beta testers who are interested can keep checking the newsletter, twitter or facebook where I will announce when the testing starts.
I am apprehending a small delay in between because I will be going home for a few days as my mom is not well. Overall, by December I am hoping to release my first 3D game- A Sirius Game. Here are a few in-game screenshots I thought of sharing. I would be happy to hear your feedback!
Click to enlarge-
I would also like to thank the artists who have let me use their beautiful artwork for the character backgrounds- thd777, Gurgur and pk87.
I have been thinking of releasing this game on Steam, though it is a difficult feat to accomplish. And I have a strategy for that- As per Steam’s FAQ, there are two ways to get accepted by Steam. And I am opting for the second one which is much safer and probable. Though I am not that big on game reviews, I need to get some really good reviews for my game from players and other eminent game websites and some decent sales to make them even consider my game. For that, it will take us a wait period of 3-6 months depending on how fast we get reviews. So lets see how things go, I shall keep my fingers crossed.
wow ! but 1 question :p
der are diff powers in this game right ! does it change every level ? or dey are d same according to the kind of a ship we choose nd just there levels as in powers will get upgraded ?
i hope u got wat exactly i wanted to ask
There are no levels in the game actually. The different weapons can be purchased based on how much reputation points you have. You get reputation points by doing quests and fighting pirates. I hope this gives some idea
It looks beautiful! So very much looking forward to this one!!!
Hehe thanks Amanda!
Looks just lovely! Can’t wait! =)
Nice work.. Looks promising… KICKASS HUD !!!
it’s beautiful!!
I wish i could play it now. It looks really promissing. Maybe you can load a Video on Youtube. Also i’m crossing my figers that you get your game on steam. Do you have any estimate on releasing it?
We are hoping to release it by December if things go as planned. Video trailer is coming soon!
it looks like it must be having an awesome gameplay. waiting for the video trailer
video coming soon!
It looks really cute! What engine are you guys using?
It’s our partner’s own game engine based on XNA.
waw that game graphic is awesome^^what u use UNREAL ENGINE 3?
Nope, my partner’s engine: Phantasm Game engine->
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[...] A Sirius Game - This cute, “piratey” adventure with strong RPG aspects was recently released. [...]
[...] A Sirius Game [...]